Saturday, October 24, 2009

In Our Backyard!

I love living where deer are often walking through the yard, nibbling on whatever they find.  These two are still young.  The buck spent well over a couple of hours back there.  I watched him from our living room.  The fawns were in and out.  At one point there was three fawns, a doe and buck.  Yes, that would be 5 deer in the backyard.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall in Oregon

I love Oregon!  It seems like over the course of a year, I forget how beautiful the fall is.  I love this time of year!  I hope I remember to read this in the middle of summer next year as I start to mourn the changing of the seasons.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Miss Spring

I miss spring and it's not winter yet!  How can this be?  It just seems that spring was way too short, the days flew by and now it is cold and wet outside.  Spring to me is like a promise.  A promise of the warm, sweet days ahead.  A season of hope and activity. 

16 Days and Two Miles Later

Late Sunday evening the phone rang.  A man on the other end of the line stated he had a cat matching the description we gave on Craig's List.  I was not optimistic, it had been too long and was certain from where he lived, it was not Simon.  But, it was Simon.  Somehow he had shown up 2 miles from home.  He was so happy to see us.  That night, per usual, Simon slept next to me with his paw on my head.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Missing Simon

Simon has been missing now for over a week. We found him four years ago driving from Oregon to Iowa. We pulled over in remote Idaho and there was a hawk diving in the field. When we got out I could hear a little meow and called to the kitty, with the hawk after him he ran right into my arms and buried his head. He was just a few weeks old, dehydrated and malnourished. We stopped and bought the litter box, cat food etc. When we pulled into Iowa, I immediately took him to the vet and he has been my baby since. Simon sleeps next to me at night. Often with his paw on my head. I miss him so much.

Simon is very clean, particular about himself and surroundings. He is also strict with his routine. In the morning when I get up he goes out. Simon comes right back in before I go to work and then out when I get home, back in for bedtime. Last Friday he went out in the morning and then visited the neighbors until around noon. They let him out and we have not seen him since.

We have walked door to door, posted advertisements etc. with no sign of him.